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From Friends to Fiancés: A Perfect Proposal at Derbes Mansion

Mitchell and Nicole’s Derbes Mansion Surprise Proposal

You know the saying “teamwork makes the dream work”? It is one that rings true for a recent proposal I produced at the gorgeous Derbes Mansion. I really could not have done it without the help of my team. Which is true of most surprise proposals in New Orleans I put together. But this one was especially a team effort because it required not one but two surprises! Which kind of plays into the couple’s story now that I think about it.

Mitchell and Nicole met in high school. She was the sister of his then best-friend. They forged a friendship that would last until college when they finally started dating. Now, four years later, and about to finish grad school as a robotics engineer, Mitchell was ready to take the next step. The duality of their relationship- once friends and now partners- may have been a part of why Mitchell wanted two separate locations for his proposal. Or it could just be me waxing poetic. Either way- I was able to deliver precisely what he was looking for.

He contacted me with a vision much more clear than your average proposer- he wanted to propose at a mansion in New Orleans that had two gazebos. One gazebo would be setup for the proposal itself while the other would host a celebratory romantic dinner for two. As fate would have it, I had literally just worked out an exclusive deal to plan proposals at Derbes Mansion- a beautiful, historic home on Bayou road that has, you guessed it, not one but two gazebos.

Planning the Perfect Surprise

Since this was my first proposal at Derbes Mansion, it took several visits to measure and photograph the space so I would have a clear understanding of the logistical needs to pull this off. Mitchell and I collaborated closely on every element so the vibe reflected both of their likes and personalities. The plan was to propose in the gazebo behind the mansion, adorned with golden yellow drapes tied with big, yellow bows, a nod to their song "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree” . A ring of candles would illuminate the gazebo, and the stairs would be covered in glass vases filled with hundreds of fresh-cut white daisies, her favorite flower. To really push the whole moment over the top, a musician would perform their song on violin, but slowed down to a more romantic tempo.

After the proposal, the couple would then be met with a second surprise in the gazebo in the front yard- a candlelit meal and champagne for two. Their musician would also continue the serenade as well. We planned to decorate that gazebo similarly to the proposal one with white drapes and string lights but instead of daisies there would be a sunflower bouquet- Mitchell’s favorite flower. I really loved how his choices were about both of them rather than just Nicole. Not that there’s anything wrong with designing an entire proposal experience around your partner’s likes. But it takes two to get engaged and I think it is particularly nice when both people are reflected in the design.

Mitchell wanted a handmade touch for the surprise (I mean, if you’re going to work with me you are seriously missing an opportunity if you don’t get me to make something!). We settled on a custom champagne bottle label that said “the future mr. and mrs. (last name redacted)”. He said she loved hearing that and he bet it would make her cry (spoiler alert: it did!).

To keep Nicole in the dark until the last possible moment, we came up with a clever ruse: a benefit for a children’s music organization, perfectly aligned with her passion for helping kids. I set Mitchell up with tickets, specific instructions on how to enter the property so the surprise wasn’t revealed too early, and even had a door person waiting to further sell the ruse.

Setting the Scene

Everything leading up to the big day went smoothly. Maybe a little too smoothly because the hiccups began only a few hours before the proposal! I had laser cut two champagne glass markers for the couple as an added touch. They said “M heart N” with a little break in the heart shape to sit them on top of the champagne flutes. I planned to gild them gold but with everything else going on I didn’t get around to it until the morning of the proposal.

Handmade wooden table decor.

And as luck would have it, I broke one in the process! I told y’all it was going too smoothly!

Even though this was not part of what Mitchall was expecting, I didn’t want to not deliver! So while my assistant loaded the car, I rapidly designed a piece that would stand on the table. It had the same design as the flute markers but as it was larger it would hopefully not break (another spoile: it absolutely did but I was able to fix it!). I cut it, carefully placed it in a bag, and grabbed some glue and a gold paint pen so I could finish it while setup was underway.

We arrived at Derbes ready to setup and I was thrown a few more curveballs: the gate to the driveway had been damaged and we had to load in from the street instead, and the setting sun was shining squarely on the back gazebo. It was hot. Too hot. Like sweat profusely hot. Like get sunburned in 2 minutes hot. Like melt-the-not-real-flame-but-real-wax-candles hot. So while team B setup the second gazebo, team A had to rework the setup plan to put the candles out at the last possible moment and get everything else set up in the meantime (ideally without burning to a crisp). All the while I was dashing over to a makeshift fabrication station to finish the decor piece for their dinner table!

This Magic Moment

Mockup of the decor plan for the Derbes Mansion Gazebo

In the end, we got it all together and it looked exactly like the mockups I had created. With both setups ready and the musician in place, I sent out my assistant as the door person and took my hiding spot on the side of the house. As I saw the couple enter and make their way through the courtyard, I cued the musician to start their song. They were dressed to the nines for a fancy benefit event (I would later learn that Nicole asked my assistant if she was overdressed and my assistant said “oh, no honey. You look perfect”).

It was clear that Nicole had no idea what was going on until she actually saw the gazebo! She glanced my way quickly before turning to smile at Mitchell. They paused briefly before walking up the steps to the gazebo. For a moment, I thought Mitchell was going to forgo walking into the gazebo and propose right there in front of it! But after a few words, he led Nicole to the center of the gazebo, turned her to face him, and got a piece of paper out of his coat pocket. He began reading the heartfelt letter he had written while the musician played their song. I couldn’t hear what was being said but they both laughed and brushed away tears.

Then, with a mixture of nerves and excitement, Mitchell put the paper back into his coat pocket, retrieved the ring box, and got down on one knee. All of the planning led to this moment when asked Nicole to marry him. Her face lit up with joy as she said yes and leant down to pull his face to hers in a kiss. He stood and they embraced before he slipped the ring onto her finger. Their playful and loving nature was evident as they celebrated their engagement, showing that they were not just partners in love, but best friends for life.

The Celebration Continues

While Mitchell and Nicole were basking in their engagement glow, my team was busy transforming the front gazebo for the next part of the evening. Team B had set up most of it prior to their arrival but I wanted to keep the lights off and food stored until the couple was in the back of the mansion. I didn’t want Nicole to see the setup when they arrived and I definitely didn’t want flies getting to the food! My assistant knew to let me know as soon as things were set up back there so I could lead the couple to the next surprise.

At a point we had decided earlier, the musician pretended to pack up and leave. In reality, he moved to the next setup to continue serenading!

I just adored the way Mitchell and Nicole interacted with each other. They were cracking jokes and being goofy while also being mushy and romantic. I commented on it and Mitchell said “she’s my best friend!”. It was easy to see that their love was rooted in friendship, a quality I believe is a key to a long-lasting relationship.

A Night to Remember

After capturing some stunning portraits under the rising full moon, I led Mitchell and Nicole to the front gazebo for the final surprise. The setup was magical, and their reactions were worth every bit of effort. They enjoyed a romantic champagne toast, snacked on gourmet cheese, and were serenaded by the gentle strains of the violin. Meanwhile, my team got to work cleaning up the back gazebo, ensuring all of the moving parts remained hidden from the couple so that all they experienced was the magic of the moment.

Nicole lit up all over again when she saw the second setup. She and Mitchell got to discover the different elements together- the gormet cheese and fruit selection, the custom champagne bottle, the wooden decor piece I managed to finish in time, and a handmade placecard that read “Congratulations Mitchell & Nicole!” Their musician asked them if they had any requests and once Nicole was done brushing away tears that sprung from her seeing the champagne label (well done, Mitchell!) she called out a few tunes that he happened to know.

We did a few super fun dip photos in front of the mansion before I left them to enjoy their champagne toast and rejoined my crew. I captured a few candid shots of the scene, of course.

Proposals like Mitchell and Nicole’s really show me that I am right where I belong. I love being able to take someone’s idea and breathe life into it, creating a magical world for them to usher their partner into.

Proposals can be hard work but I feel capable of creating absolutely anything with my incredible team at my side. This proposal aimed high and we nailed it! I couldn’t be more proud.

If you’re ready to dazzle the person you love with an expertly designed proposal tailored just for them, you’re going to want to smash that button below.