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What are mini-sessions (and why don't I offer them)?

What is a mini-session?

Mini-sessions are a popular marketing tool used by a lot of photographers. They are short, 10-20 minute portrait sessions on a day and location of the photographer’s choosing. Mini-sessions are offered at a steep discount and only include a handful of photos. They’re a good option if you’re looking for just a couple of quick, updated images periodically because your kids are growing or you’ve updated your look (or, hell, just because you #feltcutemightdeletelater).

It takes the same amount of effort to travel to a location, set up gear, shoot images, post-process and deliver a 15-minute session as it does a one-hour session (save for a shorter amount of time spent in post). So the only way mini-sessions make sense for the photographer is if they shoot a bunch of them back to back on a single day. A photographer offering mini-sessions will advertise a date and location and clients can sign up for time slots on that day. The photographer is able to serve a bunch of clients in one day, making for a nice payday and saving their clients money, too.

Why do I call them a marketing tool? Because they are akin to a free (or, in this case, cheap) sample. The low price-tag entices new clients to try the photographer out. But so few images are delivered, the client is left wanting more. The hope is that on a mini-session day, the photographer will book several full-length sessions and gain some loyal, returning clients.

The other way photographers hope to make more money from a mini-session is by upselling additional images and prints. So while the client may think they’re getting a sweet deal with their $150 portrait session, they may end up spending much more to keep all of the images that they want. There’s nothing wrong with a sales model in photography as long as this practice and pricing are transparent up front.

Why don’t I offer mini-sessions?

Over the years I’ve worked as a New Orleans Portrait Photographer, I’ve been emailed many times by hopeful clients seeking mini-sessions. They’ve probably seen them talked about online and weren’t aware that mini-sessions are not on-demand sessions at the client’s preferred date and location. It wouldn’t make sense from a business standpoint for me to book a one-off mini-session. The session would cost me the same amount of time and money to produce, I would make far less than I typically charge for my services, and I wouldn’t be able to book a full session for another client in that time.

When I receive emails inquiring about a mini-session on a specific date, I always take the opportunity to respond with a description of what mini-sessions are, how they work, and let clients know I don’t have any mini-date days scheduled. And I always feel like a jerk. Truly. Nobody wants to tell a hopeful client “I’m sorry, but booking one-off mini-sessions don’t make sense from a business standpoint”. But it’s the honest truth. I have seen photographers offering a mini-session package option outside of a scheduled mini-session date. But one of several things is happening there- they are fresh to the photography field, photography is just a side-hustle, or they are upselling images and prints afterward. This sets the precedent that short, inexpensive photography sessions can be booked with any photographer at any time. And, unfortunately, that’s just not the case for most of us seasoned full-timers.

I have made the conscious choice to not schedule mini-session dates thus far in my business. While this is my full-time job, at the heart of this business is just a single person who wants to connect with and give individualized attention to each of her clients- not rush through a bunch of them in one day to stack cash. But all of that being said, I do offer shorter sessions in all available portrait categories. While they aren’t “mini-sessions” they are a bit more affordable than a full 1-2 hour portrait session and are a popular choice for people just looking to update their family or couples photos. Plus we still have enough time working together to really enjoy ourselves!

And if you are a potential client who is working on a budget- I completely get it. That is me in aspects of my own life! Please don’t ever be afraid to ask if I can work something out. I can’t always offer a discount, but I do as often as possible. It never hurts to ask and I will never be offended. :)